تحميل و تثبيت برنامج الـ nero9

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برنامج النيرو 9 الاصدار التاسع Nero 9 لنسخ وحرق وعمل نسخه احتياطية من اقراص السيدي CD والديفيدي DVD , يعتبر افضل واسهل برنامج للتعامل مع اقراص الدي في دي والسي دي والبلو راي .
برنامج نيرو 9 Nero يستخدم لحرق ونسخ وانشاء وتعديل ومشاركة الاقراص الليزرية CD/DVD بانواعها من صوت وموسيقي وافلام واغاني وكليبات وصور وملفات الميديا بانواعها .


 Nero met à votre disposition différents outils de création et d'édition de contenu multimédia : audio, vidéo, photo, télévision, flux RSS. Vous pourrez notamment retoucher et ajouter des effets à vos photos et vidéos, mais également mixer et convertir vos fichiers musicaux. En plus de visualiser vos DVD, le lecteur multimédia vous permet d'enregistrer vos émissions télé favorites pour les partager sur les sites communautaires (MySpace, My Nero et YouTube). En outre, Nero conserve ses fonctionnalités de graveur pour tout type de CD et DVD et propose un système de protection par mot de passe. Enfin, le module SecurDisc facilite la sauvegarde de vos données sur divers supports.


Although there are many free applications available as an alternative to Nero, very few applications come close to Nero as far as the overall performance and features are concerned.
There are options to change data burning speed, verify data on disc after burning, and simulate before burning.
The only catch with this Nero 9 free version is that it comes with only data burning and disc copying features for CDs and DVDs. To get additional features you need to upgrade to the Nero 9 full version. Even though there are tabs labeled Rip and Burn, Create and Edit, these tabs only offer an option to upgrade to the paid version. So, in other words, download and use this Nero 9 Essentials Free version only if you deal with data burning and disc copying.
If you are looking for a good data burning software, this is the best application as it’s very stable and easy-to-use compared to other burning software.


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